VLMS specializes in chartering, contract management and contract support in all aspects in relation to vessels and floating structures in every form and application.
Offshore Marine Chartering
We are familiar with the complex charters such as applies for the dredging industry, marine contracting, such as cable-laying, and for the offshore industry. Also towing-, heavy lift transport-, responsible ship dismantling- and ship repair agreements as well as ship management agreements are among the possibilities.
The approach being used is not only what you as client would like to accomplish with the contract, but more importantly, what you would like to prevent. The sooner your requirements are drawn up, the more likely it will be that you are able to shift the risk-reward balance in your favour and the higher the likelihood is of having such successfully incorporated in the final contract.
Due to our extensive experience and our understanding of the complexity of the maritime industry we therefore should be able to swiftly provide you with the necessary advice from the relevant perspectives, preventing unnecessary loss of precious time or time pressure.
Buying, Selling and Registration
VLMS is also the right partner for you if you wish to buy, sell, responsibly dismantle or register your vessel or for other marine related matters in which the necessary paperwork is to be processed efficiently and accurately.
As with chartering, in buying and selling of vessels, you would like to accomplish and prevent matters and which in the end have to be drawn up in a contract. Although standard documents may exist, there are always issues which are specific for a certain purchase or sale and require the necessary amendments to be incorporated in the sale agreement.
After an agreement has been signed, many documents need to be prepared, issued, possibly legalised and an active follow up has to be given to all this in order for the sale or purchase to materialise and to be successful. Besides the vessel changing owner, the vessel may also be changing flag which would require documentation, sometimes in specific formats, may require legal representation to be appointed, as well as inspections/surveys may have to be carried out, certificates issued usually all within a (very) short time span.
Incidents & Calamities
Another specialty of VLMS is to guide its client when it comes to incidents and calamities such as collisions, beaching and alike. We can advise you and, if so required, actively guide for you the process in part or in its entirety.
Unfortunately, incidents and calamities happen, despite all our efforts to prevent such. When an incident takes place, a lot of matters will have to be dealt with by a few people within your organisation, while the vessel and its captain, as the owners’ representative, may be in a for you inconvenient time zone. As this will not ease the decision making process, especially when the captain is put under a lot of pressure by e.g. local stakeholders.
As there are possibly many other stakeholders involved, these will have to be dealt with appropriately. Many decisions will have to be made in a very short period with the likelihood that very expensive unforeseen mistakes can be made.
VLMS also provides training in order to prepare you, your staff and captains how to deal with these issues.
Brokerage & Other services
If you wish to purchase a vessel or marine equipment, or looking for a charterer for your vessel?
VLMS is also the right partner to assist you in finding the right vessel or marine equipment, most suitable for your purpose or to find you the right party to charter your vessel to.
We have a broad network and access to the relevant companies in Western Europe and beyond for all types of Offshore equipment, Dredgers and support vessels.
Please contact us and probably we can help you.