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660 pax Floatel / Accommodation Barge

600 man Accommodation Barge. Autonomous operation, Sheltered waters. Suitable for arctic & tropical conditions. location: Eastern Med. Inquire

Built 2011
Classification BV, I +HULL, • MACH, special service, Accommodation Barge-no propulsion Sheltered area/ (offshore sheltered enclosures) Hsig. max 0.5 mtr
Length overall: 135.00 m
Length dwl: 129.60 m
Breadth over all: 14.20 m
Breadth (moulded): 14.15 m
Depth: 4.10 m
Deadweight: 3,185 mt
Draught Max (summer): 3.50 m
GT/NT : 6,030/1,810
Fuel oil bunkers : 111.0 m3
Fuel set and day tanks: 29.9 m3
Bilge Water tanks: 20.0 m3
Potable water: 640.0 m3
Cargo Deck strength: 5.0 t/ m2
Water Ballast: 70.0 m3
Treated Water tanks: 1,454.0 m3
Sludge: 5.0 m3
Complement: 600 persons
Cabins: 2 x 2-berth cabins
151 x 4-berth cabins
Other facilities: hospital, Citadel function with BA plugs on aft deck, day- /mess room and wheelhouse, Offices, Fitness, Laundry, Incinerator 850 kW, Hospital, Bar
HVAC system designed for: Summer: outside +40C°/ 70% RH / inside +27C°/ 50% RH
Winter: outside -36C° /inside +18C°
Diesel Generators 4 x Scania DI 16 55M, 426 kW each, Voltage 3ph 550VAC/50Hz
Emergency Generator SISU 49 DTG, 74 kW, Voltage 3ph 79VAC/50Hz
Fuel oil: 2 x 6 m3/ hr
Sewage/Treated Water: 2 x Victor S108(210) G31BB9(160)+F 135m3/hr/ 4” TODO
Freshwater: 4 x CAT 3541 10,2 m3/hr
Aft Deck  
Anchor/mooring winch: Menarom PEC AMV-DRC-E32C
Deck crane 2 x HSMarine 10 ton@10 m
Reefer Container Sockets 2 x
Stern Roll Optional
Fore Deck  
Anchor/mooring winch Van Wijk B.V. Smit bracket
MOB boat CAP – 360 with outboard engine Mercury 15M
Life jackets 658 pc
VHF 2 x Marine IC-M411
GMDSS 3 x Tron TR20


660 pax Floatel / Accommodation Barge
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